Forget victor airways and jet routes, do you know about these unusual routes youll find on enroute charts. Aeronautical chart users guide ifr enroute charts federal. Select vfr sectional, terminal, wac, afd, or ifr low altitude enroute or both and order any or all of the charts listed by chart master. Certainly is a big pdf and its there on page 56, thanks. The asterisk identifies this altitude as the moca, or the minimum obstacle clearance altitude. When tracking an airway between two vors, there will be a point where you change navigation from the radial behind you to the bearing in front of you. The products are provided as a portable document format pdf and available for public download. Click on the grid on the lower left corner of each panel page to go to.
All information that is part of the paper ifr enroute aeronautical chart is included in the pdf. Low altitude alaska charts are show if the runway is 3000 or longer, hard or soft surface. When checking the dates on the enrouteplottingarea chart list, the date listed should correspond to the most current latest revision date on your chart. Electronic aeronautical raster charts in geotiff format for gis and pdf. Low altitude enroute charts are designated for flights below 18,000 msl. Table of contents 1 introduction general the dod flip planning document consists of one 1 general planning section, nine 9 area planning sections. Eurocontrol regional lower airspace charts erc july 2019. Low altitude enroute charts are used for aircraft navigation below 18,000 feet in the united states. Unfortunately, the chart users guide contains no more information explaining the function and content elements of the facility locator symbol than. The charts show the locations of radionavigations aids vors, etc. Western atlantic route system chart is designed for faa controllers to monitor transatlantic flights, this 5color chart shows oceanic control areas, coastal navigation aids. As part of the answer it says all courses are magnetic and distances are nautical. High altitude enroute caribbean pdf files aeronautical information services digital. Aeronautical information services aeronautical chart user.
Ifr low altitude enroute charts offer a few more obstacle free altitudes than do vfr charts. For windows pcs, mac, iphoneipad, android, pocketpc, and mp3 audio. Enroute low and high altitude charts provide aeronautical information for instrument navigation in the low and high airway structure of the canadian domestic airspace, the airspace over foreign territory. Navigational charts faa aeronautical charts planning. The faa aeronautical information manual aim pilotcontroller glossary. The chart legends list aeronautical symbols with a. Minimum crossing altitude mca the lowest altitude at certain fixes at which an aircraft must cross when proceeding in the direction of a higher minimum enroute ifr altitude mea. Explanation of ifr enroute terms and symbols the discussions and examples in this section will be based primarily on the ifr instrument flight rule enroute low altitude charts. The faa aeronautical information manual aim pilotcontroller glossary defines in. On ifr en route lowhigh altitude charts, the boundaries are depicted as a jagged. Low altitude ifr charts, ifr enroute supplement, and flight information handbook fih. Enroute low altitude charts ifr enroute low altitude charts provide aeronautical information for navigation under instrument flight rules below 18,000 feet msl. The 10 types of ifr routes published on enroute charts.
Victor airways are depicted as black solid lines on ifr lowaltitude enroute charts and as thick faded blue lines on vfr terminal and sectional area charts. Ifr hl enroute chart legend instrument flight rules high low altitude enroute chart legend general the discussions and examples in this section will be based primarily on the ifr instrument. Within the quadrangles of latitude and longitude shown on the ifr enroute low altitude chart in figure 2, the off. Ifr low altitude chart symbol ask a flight instructor. As might be expected, ifr enroute low altitude charts differ significantly from their vfr counterparts.
The pdf formatted charts are created from their respective native chart files. Airports that have an instrument approach procedure or a minimum 3000 hard surface runway. High altitude enroute charts are designated for flights above 18,000 msl. Numerous low frequency airways still exist in alaska, as depicted in this naco en route low altitude chart excerpt near nome, alaska. Instrument flight rules ifr enroute low altitude charts. On ifr enroute low altitude charts, airport tabulation is provided. Ifr enroute low altitude charts depict all ifr military training routes irs and vfr military training routes vrs, except those vrs that are entirely at or below 1,500 feet agl. The charts are exact full color reproductions of the faanaco. This enrouteplottingarea chart list uses the revision date to confirm the currency of each chart. Can someone please point out where i can find a chart legend for the low level enroute charts by jeppesen. These routes are depicted in brown on ifr enroute low altitude charts, and are not shown on inset charts or on ifr enroute high altitude charts. U s ifrvfr low altitude planning charts is designed for preflight and enroute flight planning for ifrvfr flights the chart is printed fronteast backwest with insets for the east coast from washington d c to. Flight planning is easy on our large collection of aeronautical charts, including sectional charts, approach plates, ifr enroute. Flight planning is easy on our large collection of aeronautical charts, including sectional charts, approach plates, ifr enroute charts, and helicopter route.
Most indoavis enroute charts use the mercator projection. Jeppesen enroute charts are compiled and constructed using the best available aeronautical and topographical. The source of the data used on the chart is eurocontrols european ais database ead. Flight planning is easy on our large collection of aeronautical charts, including sectional charts, approach plates, ifr enroute charts, and helicopter route charts. Since an aircraft on an ifr flight plan is likely to be touting about in the soup, terrain. Reading the instrument oral exam guide, and the question what are enroute lowaltitude charts. Ifr en route altitudes minimum sector altitude msa is the lowest altitude which will provide a minimum clearance of feet above all obstructions located in the area contained within a sector. Symbols shown are for the instrument flight rules ifr enroute low and high altitude charts.
They are available for low altitude, high altitude, planning, caribbean. Click on the panel identifi ers on the legend to go directly to that panel page. Ifr hight low altitude enroute chart are compiled and constructed using the best available aeronautical and topographical reference charts. Seaplane bases requested by the faa or dod are depicted on the ifr enroute low altitude charts. Ifr enroute low altitude charts provide aeronautical information for navigation under instrument flight rules below 18,000 feet msl.
The ifr enroute aeronautical chart series is designed to meet the. En route low altitude chart en route highlow altitude. As each paper enroute chart is updated, its geotiff and pdf. Enroute low altitude chart,faa written knowledge test preparation. All information that is part of the paper ifr enroute aeronautical chart is included in the pdf image. Lowaltitude enroute chart subscription skysectionals. Weather data is always current, as are jet fuel prices and avgas 100ll prices. The design is intended primarily for airway instrument navigation to be referenced to cockpit instruments. Public heliports with an instrument approach procedure iap or requested by the faa or dod are depicted on the ifr enroute low altitude charts.
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