Study 1 going through the book of acts words of life. One thing peculiar to acts, is that luke reassures in this letter that christians are not trying to overthrow the roman government. Given the contents of the book of acts, theophilus appears to have had questions about the coming and activity of the holy spirit, the ministry of. He gives practical tips about anger, stealing, communication and forgiveness verses 26, 2829, 32. We may now come back to the five cases of receiving the spirit outwardly in the book of acts. There is a conjunction between three elements as the gospel goes forth. Study 3 clear teaching about the holy spirit words of.
Acts of the holy spirit sermon submitted 3 years ago presented 3 years ago 50. In her book, spiritual revolution patricia king shows really good biblical research on the function of the holy spirit. The holy spirit is a beautiful and powerful part of who god is. Studies in the spiritfilled walk, with an added chapter on ministering in spiritual power. In this outline sermon i am listing seven ways in which the holy spirit helps us with our daily christian walk. And walking in the fear of the lord and in the comfort of the holy spirit, they were multiplied. Walking in the spirit is similar to being filled with the holy spirit. And later, in many situations, the holy spirit will teach us and give us. Now the role of the holy spirit is to speak to us through the bible the word of god in exactly the same way. The holy spirit, however, ignored him, for he never is mentioned again in the scriptures. The holy spirit in acts, not only breaks down ethnic barriers, he also breaks down social barriers. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Some family members might have been unable to make the long walk from nazareth or capernaum.
I have not only taught the truths contained in this book for many years. He and harriet also conducted group studies and prayer meetings from their home, where george taught others what he had learned. Study guide for holy spirit by chuck smith blue letter bible. New testament books theme, key verse, outline flashcards. Sermons from acts walking in the comfort of the holy spirit 9.
The book of acts begins with the outpouring of gods promised holy spirit on the day of pentecost. The holy spirit is more powerful than any other spirit. To walk in the spirit is to obey the initial promptings of the spirit. The summary statement is, about all that jesus began to do and teach. For assurance of our own salvation, we can compare our own conversion experience with those in acts. Scriptural outline of the baptism of the holy spirit. Empowerment of the holy spirit sermon by wah lok ng, acts. For if because of food your brother is hurt, you are no longer walking according to love. The holy spirit in the book of acts preaching source. The holy spirit plays a key role in the acts of the apostles, leading to the use of the titles book of the holy spirit or the acts of the holy spirit for that book of the. He has all the attributes of deity such as eternity, infinity, and omnipotence. All students of scripture can benefit from this concise, practical study of the person and work of the holy spirit. Whereas jesus is the chief character in the gospels, the holy spirit, working through the apostles, is the dominant character in the book of acts.
Its too wonderful to have god the holy spirit as a best friend. They have more recently been published as a book entitled in step with the spirit. It is more a story of the expansion of the church from jerusalem to rome. If we live in the spirit, let us also walk in the spirit ga 5. The same thing happened with the gentiles in acts 10 and with the followers of johns baptism in ephesus acts 19. A summary of the doctrine of the holy spirit christopher. It is possible to undertake the most sacrificial acts imaginable for other people and still not please god.
At first glance, we might think that once we repent and are baptized, we automatically receive the holy spirit. He is one with the father and the son in the trinity. The gifts of the holy spirit are different than the fruit of the holy spirit because the fruit of the holy spirit are the basic qualities that all christians should exhibit as part of their daily walk and character gal 5. Chapterbychapter bible studies acts kathleendalton. In the american standard version of acts there are fiftysix references to the holy spirit. Wenk argues that the point of the story about philip and the ethiopian eunuch is to demonstrate how the cultically unclean cf. Baptism in the holy spirit is related to these other ministries of the holy spirit, but at the same time, it is separate from them. Acts continues from there on starting with christs resurrection. All the doctrinal essentials are here, clearly organized and. A better title for this book is the acts of the holy spirit and because of this. Paul shared the message of the ministry of the holy spirit with these christians acts 19. The book of acts is a vital link between the gospels and the epistles. The books of acts is often called the book of the holy spirit or the book of the apostles.
With its exalted view of the church in gods plan of redemption, it is common to suggest the theme as the church, the fullness of christ. So in order to ensure we walk and live by the spirit,which is the heart of the new covenant, and the heart of our salvation experience acts 2. These transitional outpourings of the holy spirit follow the pattern of acts 1. In the book of acts, baptism in the holy spirit sometimes resulted in speaking in tongues acts 2. We will see this morning that the books of acts is the acts of the holy. However, the holy spirit in composing acts 8 does not mention. Here are just 10 supernatural things the holy spirit does in your life.
This is the second in a series of messages on the holy spirit. As a result, the preaching of the gospel and the witness of the newly formed church sparks a flame that spreads across the roman empire. The full title of the book of acts is the acts of the apostles. Their answer was, we have not so much as heard whether there be any holy ghost acts 19. The missionary call of barnabas and saul, recorded in the thirteenth chapter of the book of acts is replete with practical helps in a problem that bothers many christians. It will help to keep the whole of the book before you as you work your way through each section. On the 40th day after the resurrection the disciples wait in jerusalem 10 more days. How to recognize the guidance of god, how to know the directions of life, and to find the will of the holy spirit in these matters. Once the transition was completed, all that believe in christ receive the. With the holy spirit, we have power and help in all situations.
An overview of the book of acts the life of the early church is recorded and preserved for us in the book of acts and the epistles. The lord jesus christ at work by the holy spirit through the apostles in jerusalem, chapters 1 7. He is not some reality less than god or other than god. This verse is actually like lukes table of contents, or outline for the book. Saved by faith and walking in the spirit produces fruit of the spirit, chapter 5.
Therefore, each christian has spiritual power and should be exercising that power. Many times we look to our own abilities when we need to understand that god has given us a helper in our walk with him. Walk by the spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh galatians 5. In chapter 5 paul continues his discussion of the christian walk. We read of the evangelistic methods and message of the early apostles and preachers 3. Today it is equally important that believers understand the ministry of the holy spirit. He gave of himself in the person of the holy spirit. Then the churches throughout all judea, galilee, and samaria had peace and were edified.
Acts 2 38 repent, peter said to them, and be baptized, each of you, in the name of jesus christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the holy spirit. In preparation for this sundays sermon, meditate on these verses. Start studying new testament books theme, key verse, outline. Study of acts discussion notes chapter 3 introduction we previously discussed the fact that the holy spirit is in fact christ dwelling in us and among us. The power of the holy spirit to perform signs and wonders to confirm the preaching of the word c. Several times in this epistle we read of god the father, god the son and god the holy spirit look up 1 john 1.
Sermons from acts walking in the comfort of the holy. That book may be obtained from the acts in africa initiative. Luke described to theophilus in his first letter about jesus life up to the resurrection. The book of acts walking in the comfort of the holy spirit 9. Miller a 30day devotional and applicational book on the person and work of the holy spirit download pdf ebook from azusa to africa to the nations second edition with a new chapter on the women of azusa street by denzil r. In the first case, all the disciples were powerful on the day of pentecost, and they had the release, boldness, and encouragement. Exhort christians to have a walk worthy of the calling with which you were called theme of the epistle. A grand epistle like ephesians almost defies coming up with one main theme. It was on this day that the church was born in a blaze of glory.
Rapid evangelism resulting in the establishment of local churches. This sermon outline on the power of the holy spirit encourages christians to live spirit filled lives so that they can be witnesses to their faith in christ. This fruit is produced through the initial indwelling and regular filling of. This list of the 70 functions of the holy spirit come from her research. The holy spirit is one with the father and the son in the unity of the godhead. The holy spirit appears prominently in acts, so much so that the book has been called.
Together, they wrote the power of the holy spirit, a scriptural outline of baptism in the holy spirit, and gillies guide to home prayer meetings. By comparison to other portions of the new testament the special significance of the holy spirit in the book of acts can be demonstrated. We see in the book of acts how the gospel of jesus christ is spread not only to the hebrews, but to the entire world through the empowering of the holy spirit of god. The word for walk is peripateo, which refers to the direction and purpose of the life. He encourages us to be renewed in the spirit of your mindto put on the new manand to not grieve the holy spirit verses 2324, 30. Overall i felt like this book really helped me understand the holy spirit better, and i really appreciated that it was all based on scripture too. The account in acts 2 focuses on the miraculous appearance of tongues of fire, when god gave the holy spirit and inspired the message from peter that convicted the hearts of many who were listening. The following outline is intended to be used while studying the book. The preaching of the gospel of jesus and his kingdom b. He also includes lists of when the holy spirit is mentioned in acts and names used for the holy spirit which i found helpful in understanding him. The secret of the christian life is to walk in the power of the holy spirit and thus allow the lord jesus to live his abundant life in and through us in all of his resurrection power acts 4. The manifestations of holy spirit this article was taken from our book the gift of holy spirit. The person and work of the holy spirit an outline for bible study. The holy spirit gives us power to witness for christ.
As are father and son, the holy spirit is also fully god. A delightful result of the spiritfilled life is an enhanced ability to sense and hear the voice of the holy spirit. By living in these realities, you live and walk by the spirit. It is interesting to note that thirty minutes after pentecost the apostles knew more about christ than they. These six brethren also went with me and we entered the mans house. It is not disclosed until its revelation to spiritfilled peter in acts 2. Place holder sermon books go to sermon outline books page.
Peter gives a very basic outline for making the commitment to follow jesus christ. The combined sixtyeight chapters of the synoptic gospels contain only thirtyfour references to the holy spirit. Outline studies in the book of the acts of the apostles. This book is written out of my desire to be faithful to that divine commission. Luke records many examples of conversion in the book of acts e. General outline 1 the doctrine of the holy spirit 2. The phrase walk by the spirit occurs not only in verse 25 but also in verse 16, but. The holy spirit helps us to understand what we read. This fruit is produced through the initial indwelling and regular filling of the holy spirit. The acts of the apostles is often called the gospel of the holy spirit, for in chapter one jesus christ promises the holy spirit will come after his ascension into heaven and chapter two begins with the pentecost. A chapterbychapter bible study of the book of acts 7 jesus shows himself to his followers for 40 days after the after he is resurrected resurrection jesus goes up to heaven. Before i do, i wanted to share this post i prepared last week, about the holy spirit.
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